pL Lehmann has been developing and producing genuine Swiss quality CNC rotary tables for almost 60 years. The experience gained has been incorporated into all of their products and services. 


With innovative, high precision CNC rotary tables organised in a standard modular compact design and always within a minimum footprint on the worktable, pL Lehmann products offer not only a wide variety of clamping options, but also maximise the use of the machine tools working envelope.
The machine can be set up and ready to run, allowing typical 3-axis clamping and machining operations to be conducted on one end of the worktable, whilst the fourth-axis rotary unit remains fixed at the other end. Maximum flexibility is provided; for example 6-sided machining in one cycle or multiple part machining with the different clamping devices on the longFLEX.
pL Lehmann products meet the global demand for economical production of very small to medium-sized workpieces by satisfying individual requirements with suitable combinations.

With just four basic sizes of rotary tables covering from Ø100 to 500 mm face plates, pL Lehmann cover the performance range required by most machine shops. Rotational speeds up to 210 rpm provide a 90° index in just 0.21 seconds (Direct Drive Series 900 provides up to 5,4o0 rpm). A feed torque of up to 850 Nm, combined with heavy duty bearing, allow high spindle loads up to 1,600 Kg for aggressive cutting strategies. 

pL Lehmann's goal is to maintain a sustainable, innovative stance in the manufacturing industry- basing their principles on the philosophy "What may briefly be of interest but in the long term is untenable will be excluded from consideration". By focusing on organisation and partnerships to create an environmentally friendly workspace in which waste of any kind is avoided, significant contributions to protect our natural world and conserving valuable resources are achieved.